Amanda’s Key Priorities
Women’s Rights and Equal Rights: Ensure equal pay for equal work; equal access to healthcare, including abortion and miscarriage care for all women. Ensure the rights enshrined in the constitution are protected for ALL people, including the right to privacy and bodily autonomy. I will work to protect the people’s rights to make their own decisions.
Veterans: Support military families, deliver easy access to high-quality healthcare, and ensure coverage for ALL service related mental & physical conditions.
Unions: Support their fight for equitable pay, benefits, healthcare, and worker safety. Support legislation like the PRO Act; ensure Pennsylvania does not become a right to work (aka: right to be exploited by your employer) state.
Farming: Support policies such as the PRIME Act and the dairy bill that provide family farms with the ability to compete in the market.
Jobs and Economic Prosperity: Make America a world leader in technology and innovation and create more jobs for hard working Pennsylvanians, especially those in the 9th District. Ensure a living wage, support policies that help small businesses thrive, stop price-gouging, and continue to bridge the gap of high-speed internet access in rural communities.
Education: Work to fully fund public education mandates as promised, guarantee access to high-quality Pre-K, and affordable childcare for working families. Fight for adequate wages for teachers, early learning, and childcare workers, decrease student loan debt, and promote community colleges and apprenticeship programs for people who choose not to go to a four year college.
Environment: Invest in renewable and sustainable energy sources, decrease reliance on foreign oil, and ensure regulatory agencies have the authority and funding to hold environmental polluters accountable.
Healthcare: Lower drug prices, increase equitable access to care, and work on making Medicare an option for ALL who want it, especially as emergency coverage for anyone who loses a job and cannot afford COBRA coverage. Tax dollars pay for elected officials’ ridiculously high paychecks, job perks & benefit packages, therefore the taxpayers should be able to benefit from the same healthcare options and plans that elected officials have access to at the same or lower rates.
Donating to Amanda means fighting for hardworking Pennsylvanians. We need your help to protect women’s reproductive rights and to support veterans, unions, and farming families.